Welcome to my brand new Website.
First and foremost, congrats to me for making this happen.
This is the product of a life-long dream of learning, playing, studying and working with music and sound.
If you’re reading this then I’m happy. Actually, I’m unbelievably stoked be launching this project. I started working on this website in May 2018.
It started with a friend purchasing a Squarespace website template for me. I knew what I wanted, but I had no idea what I was looking at. After making countless calls I soon worked out what was involved in creating a website from nothing. This was not a quick or easy process. Some estimated between 10K to 20K and they wanted to do it their own way. Someone even tried to sell me a logo design for 5K.
This proved quite challenging as working in construction as my day job, I had no time to learn to do the work myself. Creating my content took hours of focus already.
I desperately needed a graphic designer to make this happen. I finally got onto Mosaic Studios in Melbourne. They listened to my entire concept and agreed to work with me. After many phone conversations and literally hundreds of emails, we created this 👍🏻.
Setting up this site was an overwhelming amount of work, but I wanted something I was proud of, an easy and accessible site that contains everything. The reason for writing these blogs was to podcast every one of them in the future. They give me a reference of everything that’s happened on this journey.
It makes me happy to have a place I can now direct people, for every idea I’ve had in my head for years.
This is where I express my obsessive passion for detail towards all things music, and the way I apply myself to addressing the fine detail in my work.
You will be getting content in a series of videos that showcase my playing, how to record audio, and stories that are intertwined with my life and my obsession with sound.
You can access my Facebook, Instagram and Youtube channels through here. I am also contactable through the site.
I hope you enjoy this as much as I have creating it!